12U Illinois-Lisle Wolves Power Past Blazers

By Ed Muniz- Photos by Jenn-Anne Gledhill

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Wheaton─ Sports is unique when it comes to wins and losses, especially in baseball. The opportunity to continue a streak or redeem one’s self comes soon after.

The 12U Illinois-Lisle Wolves didn’t like the taste of defeat left in their mouths in their last WSBL matchup in North Aurora and were hungry to get back at it after such a lackluster outing.

A visit to Wheaton on May 6 turned out to be just what the Wolves needed, despite the atrocious umpiring from Official Finders, as they pasted the Wheaton-Briarcliffe Blazers 12-4 in five innings.

Wolves’ Quinn Robinson shows off the swing that gained him a first inning double against the Briarcliffe Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton.

The Wolves put on a power show, hitting three homers, one each by Tyler Sokolnicki, Graham Johnson and Christian Slazak and once again righted a team to its usual baseball diamond success.

The Wolves didn’t just display power, they also showed they can hit to all fields, spraying 13 hits over those 12-runs scored in the game. Eleven of the twelve batters produced hits against the Blazers.

The onslaught began in the Wolves first plate appearance. A walk to Eamon Muldoon would be followed with singles by Michael Petrbok, Slazak, Brian Grogan, Johnny Burke and doubles by Quinn Robinson and Griff Sinkovich.

Eamon Muldoon rounds third base for the Wolves on a single by Christian SLazak against the Blazers in Wheaton. Muldoon later scored the Wolves first run on May 6.

The Wolves took a 5-0 lead after their first half inning.

The Blazers did manage to cut into the lead. With a little help from an error by the Wolves, the Blazers did plate a pair of runs in their half to cut into the Wolves’ advantage.

The Wolves padded their lead in inning two when Gavin Smith singled and eventually scored on Petrbok’s second hit of the game to increase their lead to 6-2.

Slazak settled on the mound and made short work of the Blazer hitters, retiring the host in order to maintain the 6-2 lead after two innings.

Christian Slazak is throwing right at you here as he did against the Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton. Slazak also homered in the 12-4 win for the Wolves.

The Wolves left two stranded in their third at-bat with Nico Villanueva providing the only hit of the inning.

The Blazer put the pressure on Slazak in his third inning on the mound.

After getting two quick outs via a ground out to second and a strike out, Slazak gave up a double, a single and walked the bases loaded.

He managed to make his best pitch when needed to get the Blazer batter whiffing on his fastball for the third out, ending the threat.

Wolves Shortstop’ Nico Villanueva has a rocket for an arm and is about to shoot one off to first base during game action against the Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton.

Slazak gave up one earned run on three hits with four strikeouts, walking just two in his three innings.

“I was more focused more today than the other day plus my footing is big for me when I’m pitching,” said Slazak. “My fastball I was able to place good today but I think I can be more accurate still.”

“Batting, on my homerun, he gave me an outside pitch on a 2-1 count and Coach Brandin told me to swing away, and it went over because of my strength.”

The Wolves fourth inning turned out to feature the power of this group.

Looking where his second hit of the game went is Wolves’ Johnny Burke during his game against the Briarcliffe Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton.

It began mildly enough. Burke’s second single of the game was followed by a walk to Auggie Ruffolo. Tyler Sokolnicki took the next pitch and hammered it over the right center fence for the 3-run homer. His first of the season.

“I really needed that,” said the Catching Slugger. “I had my hands low earlier so I’ve been getting under the ball, so coach gave me some pointers, now I have my hands over my shoulders and now I can hit the ball better.“

First base Coach’ Grant Johnson is excited and reaches out to congratulate Tyler Sokolnicki after blasting his first home run of the season over the centrfield fence on May 6 against the Blazers in Wheaton.

“It felt great hitting that homer, should have happened earlier. Felt really good. I think of what my coaches and my dad tell me what to do so I keep that in my mind and bring that into the game.”

Muldoon followed with a double to right. He would be caught in a rundown on Petrboks ground ball.

Johnson next stepped up and took a full-count pitch over the centerfield wall for the 2-run dinger, scoring himself and Petrbok before him.

Wolves’ Graham Johnson concludes circling the bases after hitting a home run over the centerfield fence against the Briarcliffe Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton.

“I do see the ball well and put a good swing on it,” said Johnson. “Working with Coach Brandin and helping me with my swing from dropping my hands has helped a lot. Playing with this team is way better, everyone is really talented, my last team, we didn’t have great coaches. We definitely need to improve our outfield play as a team, that’s a priority.”.

Slazak went Back-to-Back Homers for the Wolves as he muscled an outside pitch over the right field fence as the Blazer fielder flipped over it in his efforts to make a play.

The 6-run inning catapulted the Wolves lead to 12-3.

The Blazers added another run in their fourth inning with two hits off of Michael Petrbok that cut the deficit to 12-4.

Wolves Pitcher’ Michael Petrbok did his work on the mound to close out the Blazers for the 12-4 win against the Blazers on May 6 in Wheaton.

The Wolves didn’t do much in their fifth at-bat and now just needed to hold the Blazers scoreless in their half to end the game after five innings per league rules on run differential.

Petrbok did just that with the help of a 4-6-3 double play to end the game and give the Wolves their 16th win with just 3-defeats.

The Wolves use their batting skills well, scoring in bunches at times but defensively they make the plays more often than not, as good teams tend to do.

Several players displayed great defensive skills, Burke is as solid as they come in the outfield. He reads the ball off the bat well and has the speed to run down fly balls for the out.

Shortstop’ Griff Sinkovich hauls in a throw as a Blazer runner attempts to steal second during their game on May 6 in Wheaton. The Wolves won in a shorten game 12-4.

Griff Sinkovich and Nico Villanueva are as good as it gets at shortstop. Sinkovich is smooth with his glove work as is Villanueva who has a rifle arm.

Muldoon and Gavin Smith are key cogs at second and both give you great range defensively.

Smith added,

“Keeping my head down when fielding is the hardest for me because sometimes when my head comes up so does my glove,” said Smith. “I feel I’m doing better hitting, I definitely feel I did well hitting today, I just keep working at it.”

“Playing on this team is great, I didn’t know any of these guys before this year. My old team last year was awful but here, everyone is talented, fun playing with the talented players on this team.”

Smooth fielding Gavin Smith tosses to first base after fielding a grounder to his left on May 6 in Wheaton. The sure-handed second baseman has been a plus defensively for the Wolves.

The taste is always sweeter after a big win, the 12U Illinois-Lisle Wolves have savored the flavor often already!


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